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Wendy?! Info


logo-tide-verysmall   Tide Records presents

IDOLS & GODS the new album by WENDY?!   

Press release / Bio

About Wendy?!

The band Wendy?! starts in 2008 around the guitarist and singer Lorenzo Canevacci, former guitarist
of Bloody Riot, among the most famous Italian Hardcore bands of the '80s.
The first album “Eleven” is released in 2012, followed by “Notebook” in 2014 and “Idols & gods” in 2017, both for Tide Records, and get a good response from public and from national and international press.
In the sound of Wendy?! you can find riffs for those who love hard rock, the punk energy and attitude,
the dark post-punk atmosphere, the rough sound of alternative rock and above all, a way of writing
“songs” that harkens back to the 70’s and classic rock.

In the temple of feedback

“Talking about “In the temple of feedback”, the new album by Wendy?!, I have to go back in the time when, with a bunch of other angry teenagers, moved by the oppression of the anti-terroristic period, we picked up our instruments trying to transform our rage in a creative way. Those where the years of the political street fights, and our need to express with music was linked to our desire for revenge and revolt.
Four decades have passed, everything has changed, but if we focus on the essence of our lives, of the basic values, everything is the same. We are no longer teenagers, of course, but our urgency, our desire to use rock n 'roll to state the distortions of this society and express our thoughts with music is stronger than ever. For today's 58-years-old Lorenzo, Wendy?! are exactly what Bloody Riot were for the teenage: a way to communicate thoughts and values through the music he has always loved: rock'n'roll, the real one.

Nowadays a new form of repression is blowing and we are driven by the urgency to use music as a form of expression. For more than a year, the whole world of live music has been gagged and stopped, so we decided to use the spare time to write, arrange and record new songs to release a new album, despite of what was happening around us.
“In the temple of feedback”, day after day, song after song, has shown us that it is always possible to improve. We are very happy and proud of this new album and I believe it is a further step forward, in song writing, performance, and production.”

(Lorenzo Canevacci)


Lorenzo “mr. Grady” Canevacci: voice and guitar
Alessandro Ressa: rhythm guitar, keyboards, back vocals
Paola “Croft” Altobelli: bass and back vocals
Luca Calabrò: drums

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