Conditions of use
To the meanings of the DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 22 MAGGIO 1999, N. 185 "ATTUAZIONE DELLA DIRETTIVA 97/7/CE RELATIVA ALLA PROTEZIONE DEI CONSUMATORI IN MATERIA DI CONTRATTI A DISTANZA” (LEGISLATIVE DECREE MAY 22, 1999, N. 185 “FULFILLMENT OF THE DIRECTIVE 97/7/CE RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CONSUMERS IN MATERIAL OF CONTRACTS AT A DISTANCE”) The Client (if in such case he/she is qualifiable as “consumer” in the meanings of art.1 lett b) of the D. Lgs May 22, 1999, n. 185) has the right to recede from the contract and to restitute the products ordered, without any penalty and without specifying the motive, within 10 (ten) working days from the receipt of said Products. 5.1.1 Save for diverse agreements between the parties, the consumer may not exercise the right to recess foreseen by commas 1 and 2 by the contracts:
a) the furnishing of services in which the execution has begun, with the aggreement of the consumer, before the expiration of the ten day term; b) the furnishing of goods or services in which the price is “bound to the fluctuation of taxes by the financial market which the supplier is unable to control”; c) the furnishing of made to order or clearly personalized packaged goods or that, by their nature, cannot be sent back or endure risk of deteriorating or rapidly alterating; d) the furnishing of audio products (Musical CDs), audiovisual (DVDs) or of sealed informatics software, opened by the consumer; e) the furnishing of newspapers, periodicals and magazines; f) of services of betting, games of chance and lotterys. 5.2 The right of recess of which to the preceding article 5.1 must be exercised by the Client, with the penalty of forfeiture, by means of a registered letter to TIDE Ass. Cult. Via delle Vignacce, 55 00063 Campagnano di Roma (RM), within the 10 (ten) working day term from the receipt of the Products. The communication for which the above may be sent, within the same time limits, also by means of a telegram to the address above stated provided that it is confirmed, by means of a registered letter within 48 (forty-eight) hours following the emission of the telegram. 5.3 All returned material (which must be unused, perfectly integral and accompanied by the original package) must be authorized. The Client may send back the Product to the following address: TIDE Ass. Cult. Via delle Vignacce, 55 00063 Campagnano di Roma (RM). C.O.D. packages will not be accepted. 5.4 Once the Products are received (and their integrity verified), it will be provided, within 30 days from the receipt of the communication of recess, to accrediting the Client, by means of Bank Accreditation, the cost of the returned Products (as indicated by a receipt), withholding, where necessary, the import of the cost of expedition that will remain definitively charged to the client. It will be up to the client to timely furnish the bank coordinates from which to obtain the accreditation (IBAN).
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