This second part of the story, Blue Gold Spiral, has been also developed in a web series “Spiritual Revolution People”...
at first and now, with the same title, in a theatrical play, both written by David Petrosino.
Spiritual Revolution People, that will debut May 30 in Rome at Teatro Greco, is a show performed for the most part by young actors, the same actors we see in the video of INCOGNITO, first single of the new upcoming album.
Thanks to your donation or prebuying we can complete this album and the story of the Spiritual Revolution.
We have prepared a very special list of Rewards for you, starting with the digital download of the album up to Sailor Free's full discography and Vinyl.
You support is what makes this album possible.
Thank you for contributing. Thank you for sharing with us the passion for music and ideas. Thank you for being part of the Spiritual Revolution.
You can help this free and independent production with a contribution, choosing one of our Rewards or with a free donation.
For your contribution you can use our PayPal secure payment, with a credit card (no paypal account needed) or you can select other ways like Bank transfer or recharge of a prepaid card by clicking on No PayPal.
€ 10 - Digital download
Digital download of the album. Files wav and mp3 high quality, with jpg cover.
The 3 CDs of the Spiritual Revolution trilogy and the CDs of the first two albums, “Sailor Free” and “The fifth door” + Digital download of the 5 albums
The full discography of Sailor Free on CD plus the LP of the first album “Sailor Free” + Digital download of the 5 albums + A signed copy of the CD "Spiritual Revolution part 3" + A Sailor Free T-shirt
You will be listed on the credits of the album. You will get free tickets, for two people, for the show “Spiritual Revolution People”, 30 and 31 May 2024, in Rome, or will receive an exclusive DVD of the show. + The full discography of Sailor Free on CD. + The LP of the first album “Sailor Free” and the LP of "Spiritual Revolution part 3". + Digital download of the 5 albums. + A signed copy of the CD "Spiritual Revolution part 3". + A Sailor Free T-shirt.
Here you can give any free contribution. You can choose any reward equal or below the amount of the contribution, by e-mailing your choice to us and leaving the shipping address.
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.