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Press release / Bio



An exceptional musical project, an ever-evolving experience of musical blending: this is Hàndala.

The band starting in 1989 within an international cooperation project, has been leaded, for more than 20 years, by its inspirer and composer David Petrosino, together with many musicians, both Arabs and Italians, that participated through the years, and made links of collaboration with various artists.

The tale of the band Hàndala, for it’s nature of merger, for it’s human and artistic ‘blending’, is a chance to see, from a unique point of view, twenty years of  relationship between eastern and western countries.
At the same time the contaminated and contaminating nature of Handala’s work let them share this sight and this exchange in widely various sites: the UN building in Geneve, the little Church, European Festivals, Schools, Clubs, Social Centres, Theatres, the Campidoglio in Rome, Universities, Events, public Squares…

The band, leaded by David Petrosino, provides a peculiar formula of global contamination between Middle-eastern and Western musical traditions and intentions, a novel way of imagining a feasible world where different ideas, cultures, traditions join to give birth to something new.

Hàndala have been active in Europe and they took part in many Festivals and concerts, always winning attention from public and critics.
Arab voices floating an a sound born from the magic fusion of traditional middle-eastern and Mediterranean instruments (such as ud, bouzuki, doff, mismar, naj) and modern ones.
A show of great impact, enriched with clear melodies and obstinate rhythms.

Hàndala have released six albums and a cd single and some of their songs have been included in many compilations, stating, with their music, the utopia needed for peace and understanding.


"Hàndala" (Sud-Nord Records 1990),
"Amani" (Sud-Nord Records 1991),
"Raia" (Tide Records 1993),
"Holom" (Il Manifesto - Finisterre 1997),
"El deeb" (CD single with video, Finisterre 2004),
"Famatà?" (with the name of Aladnah) (RAI Trade – Blond 2005)
"7" (Finisterre 2007)

Some of their song have benn included in various compilations.

Handala are currently preparing a new album, expected for 2015.



David Petrosino: tkeyboards, guitar, vocals
Cecilia Amici: vocals 
Pejman Tadayon: oud, saz, vocals
Stefano Ribeca: flutes, saxes
Gabriele Gagliarini: percussions
Simone Pulvano: percussions
Stefano Falcone: drums
Simone Pulvano: bass
Raimondo Mosci: sound & solutions
Terrence Briscoe: light & design



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