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Tide Records

TIDE Records
  • Handala Holom
  • Handala Raia
  • Bluviola Cover sml
  • Handala Handala
  • IdolsGods xxsml
  • SR2 cover front mini
  • SailorFree SF
  • Cover Fine square sml
  • Handala Amani
  • Kosmika WB
  • SailorFree TFD
  • cover front veryverysml
  • SailorFree SF
  • cover cd spiritualrevolution
  • cover-osd-small
  • Handala 7
  • Aladnah Famata
  • cover-notebook-small
  • Handala - Holom
  • Handala - Raia
  • Cecilia Amici - Bluviola
  • Handala - Handala
  • Wendy?! - Idols & Gods
  • Sailor Free - Spiritual Revolution part 2
  • Sailor Free - Sailor Free LP
  • Zman - Fine
  • Handala - Amani
  • Kosmika - We believe
  • Sailor Free - The Fifth Door
  • Wendy?! - In the temple of feedback
  • Sailor Free - Sailor Free CD
  • Sailor Free - Spiritual Revolution part 1
  • One Sound Duo - The way becoming
  • Handala - 7
  • Aladnah - Famatà
  • Wendy?! - Notebook


Tide Records is an independent record label.

We build up and research, together with our artists and collaborators,
new possible ways to spread quality music in today's world.

new single by SAILOR FREE




Distribution partner LIZARD Records
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