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The hereby writer Associazione Culturale TIDE, title bearer of the treatment of Your personal data, regarding the meanings of art. 13 of the D.Lgs 30.6.2003 n. 196, informs You of the following relative to the personal data furnished by You for the management of the present contractual relationship. The personal data gathered and treated by the writer re-enter into the following categories:
1) identification data, social or denominational reason, residence, tel, fax,e-mail, fiscal data, etc.
2) relative data regarding economic and commercial activity (orders, solvability, bank data, accounting and fiscal data, etc.)
Your personal data hence furnished will be used within the limits and for the pursuance of the finality relative to the present contractual relationship. In particular the treatment is finalized to the inherent fulfillments and consequent to the development of all administrative, commercial, accountable and fiscal activity. The conferment of the data and the relative treatment are mandatory in relation to the finality relative to the fulfillment of a contractual and legal nature. The conferment is moreover retained mandatory to carry out all activities necessary and functional of the writer to the execution of the contractual obligations. Eventual denial to furnish the data for such finality can determine the impossibility of the writer to proceed with said contractual relationship and to the lawful obligations. The conferment of data is instead facultative for the sending of communication or published material which our business will be able to accomplish through Your electronic address or fax number. You may oppose such treatment at any moment by request through mail service or by the fax number listed below. Eventual denial to furnish data for marketing finality will not jeopardize the regular execution of the present contractual relationship.
Personal data furnished by You will be treated in a lawful manner and according to correctness, as such foreseen by the meanings of art. 11 of the Legislative Decree of June 30, 2003, n.196.
The treatment will be carried out with the support of paper documents, informatics or telematics.
One may accede, and therefore become knowledgeable of Your data, only those exclusively authorized from which an example those charged with the administrative accounting area, marketing office, those assigned to the management and maintenance of the informatics systems.
Suffice to say the communications followed in the fulfillment of lawful and contractual obligations, all data gathered and elaborated may be communicated in Italy and transferred abroad exclusively for the finality above specified to:
1. Service businesses, businesses of data elaboration, accounting/fiscal consultants and in general all Organs preposed to verify and control with merit to the correct fulfillment of the finality above indicated;
2. eventual external subjects of our structure, with whom we have stipulated precise agreements with merit to the measures to adopt in order to guarantee the safety of the data entrusted to them, in each case the data will be treated exclusively for the pursuance of the finality above indicated.
Holder of the treatment is TIDE Associazione Culturale. By sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., one may request an updated list of the subjects nominated Responsible for the treatment. At any moment one may exercise the rights of which to article 7 of the Legislative Decree June 30, 2003, n. 196.


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